Help Hargeisa Heal

Asc and Ramadan Kareem!

On the eve of the first day of Ramadan, the people of Hargeisa have severed the worst economic calamity since the civil war: the burning to the ground of Waahen Market. This market was the largest and most significant in all of Hargeisa city. Thus, numerous business women and men have lost all of their assets. In addition, the market was the main sources of daily provisions for countless denizens. Given the above, all of us should act PROMPTLY and donate generously.

Asc and Ramadaan Mubarak!

Maalintii ugu horeysay ee Ramadaan dadka reer Hargiesa waxay lakawsadeen Dhibaatadii ugu Weynayd ee Dhanka Dhaqaalaha Dagaaladii Civilwaarka. Suuqa Waaheen Wuxuu ahaa Xuduntii Ganacsiga ee Somaliland guud ahaan ugu weynaa. Ragg iyo Dumar ba waalagu Hanti Beelay, Suuqani Wuxuu ildhaqaale u ah Inta Jeebka Yar iyo inta Jeebka weynba. Waa in aan Gurmanaa oo istaagna, Hadaa laynoo bahanyahay! Fadlan kutabaruc Waxkastood awoodo.